Comenius 2001 - 2004 Migration The European Identity - The Impact of Migration on European Culture


Comenius-Konferenz:  24. bis 29. September 2002


24.Sept. Dienstag:Anreise, spät nachmittags/abends

25.Sept. Mittwoch:Vormittag:Konferenz

                    Nachmittag: Kennenlernen von Balatonlelle

26.Sept. Donnerstag:Vormittag:Konferenz

                   Nachmittag: Ausflug um den Balaton

 27.Sept. Freitag: ganztaegiger Ausflug nach Budapest

 28.Sept. Samstag:Vormittag:konferenzNachmittag: 

                  freies Programm, 

                  gemeinsames   Abschieds – Abendessen

29.Sept. Sonntag: morgens Heimreise

Comenius-conference: 24th to 29. September 02


24th September Tuesday: Journey/7late afternoon, evening

25th Sept. Wednesday, morning, conference

                  Afternoon: Get to know Balatonlelle

26th Sept. Thursday, morning, conference

                  Afternoon: Tour around lake Balaton

27th Sept. Friday, trip to Budapest (whole day)

28th Sept. Saturday, morning, conference

                  Afternoon: Free time for everybody

                  Farewell – Evening - Dinner

29th Sept. Sunday, morning, journey back home                                                                    Agenda                                                      Back

This project of at last 8 schools is sponsored by EU as a part of Sokrates, Comenius 1